What does the Geotechnical Study consist of?

It is the set of activities that integrates field reconnaissance, subsoil investigation, as well as engineering analysis and recommendations. It is carried out in order to ensure that the soil is suitable for the design and construction of the works, to protect above all the integrity of the people.

Another of the objectives is to maintain the construction in the most adequate way possible, before the occurrence of any external phenomenon. In this way, the good condition of the roads, public services facilities, properties and neighboring constructions is guaranteed.

How is the subsoil investigation carried out?

• It is based on the study and knowledge of the geological origin, subsoil exploration (pits, trenches, drilling and probing and others), tests and field tests.

• The results are processed in the laboratory, obtaining the results that will allow the identification and classification of the different soils and rocks.

• In this way, the physical-mechanical and hydraulic characteristics of the subsoil are quantified.

The main objective of evaluating all these characteristics in the field is to prepare a report with analysis and recommendations. But what does this report contain?

• It expresses the technical interpretation corresponding to the characterization of the subsoil and the evaluation of possible failure and deformation mechanisms.

• It provides the parameters and recommendations necessary for the design and construction of the foundation and containment systems.

• It indicates several geotechnical factors that can influence the ground, prepared for the works.

The basic stages for the elaboration of a geotechnical study are:

1. Preliminary visit and observation of the study area.
2. Collection of relevant data in the field by specialists.
3. Programming of the geotechnical process, location, materials and surveys.
4. Conducting field surveys with technical supervision.
5. Collection of soil substrate samples for laboratory testing.
6. Summary of the information with data, conclusions and recommendations of the study carried out.
7. Verification of the information in the report, through the evaluation of the foundation soil in excavation phase.

Have you performed geotechnical studies for projects?