Feasibility Studies
An architectural feasibility study considers all of the aspects of your proposed project. Here at JDM Group Company we mainly conduct the studies for commercial or large-scale developments. Through an architectural feasibility study our clients can test the viability of the project before undertaking any real significant expense. The study attempts to answer the big questions early in the decision making process.
To conduct an architectural feasibility study we meet with the clients and discuss their ideas, their needs and wants. We visit the site to conduct an initial site assessment.
Preliminary designs and accompanying photo montages of a proposed development are then created. In an effort to keep costs low the design is not overly detailed but will incorporate the basic principles.
These preliminary designs are used as the basis to explore the feasibility for the project before detailed costly and complex drawings, surveys and accompanying reports are undertake.
The preliminary design undertaken as part of a feasibility study will have to be revisited if after the study the project is economically viable and has received tentative approval from the planning authority.

Ing. Diego Monroy
JDM Academy Founder.
JDM Group Company Founder.
All of the relevant stakeholders can then be approached with the preliminary designs. The planning authority can provide feedback as to the potential likelihood of the project receiving planning permission. Estimated development costings can be put together based on the preliminary designs.
The design can be used to test the market demand for the proposed development. It can be very useful for potential purchasers to get an accurate realisation as to what can be achieved out of a potential site. Furthermore, it can reassure investors that the site or proposed development has significant potential and revenue return.
Undertaking an architectural feasibility study will also allow the development vision to be tested, scrutinized and focus direction for the development. Each and every factor directly or indirectly associated to the project can be examined through the study.
Perhaps most importantly, the feasibility study can sometimes a much needed and cost-effective reality check for investors by answering the questions relating to the proposed project that require accurate answers, in order to avoid the dangerous pitfalls and money being wasted on projects that are not viable.
An architectural feasibility study has many different facets to the study. Usually the study has very different approaches depending on the type of development objectives. Typically the study starts with a detailed evaluation on the suitability of the site for the development in question. Concept designs are then created for the site in line with the aesthetic quality desired. A budget is generated based on quantifiable construction costs.

Finally documents of analysis are generated asking and answering the big questions. If the project passes the architectural feasibility study it proves the project is viable on a range of fronts.
Here at JDM Group Company we have vast experience in the preparation of architectural feasibility studies for all sizes of projects. We develop preliminary design proposals and use the preliminary design as the basis to ask the big questions and assess how accurate the specific answers are.
We have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the big questions to properly evaluate and scrutinize the validity of the proposals.